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Ulduar nerf

7 participants

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Ulduar nerf Empty Ulduar nerf

Message  Kanti Mer 29 Avr - 9:17

Apparemment trop peu de guildes arrivent à tomber les premiers boss, donc ils commencent la vague de nerfs :

* Emalon : les adds ont moins de vie, et les chaînes d'éclair frappent un nombre limité de personnes

* Ignis : on se prend moins de dégâts et il tape moins fort
* XT-002 : les dégâts de bombe font moins mal, leur rayon est réduit, le timer est augmenté, et ils ont réduit la vie de certains adds
* Conseil de fer : moins de dégâts causés par les runes, les chaînes d'éclair idem, et également quand il fait son tourbillon d'éclair
* Kologarn : la poigne fera moins de dégâts, le timer pour libérer les personnes est augmenté, et le rayon fait moins de dégâts, ainsi que les adds
* Mimiron : les robots vont attaquer plus vite, mais faire moins de dégats

Ouf, pas encore de changement sur les autres boss, dépêchons-nous de les tomber !

Nombre de messages : 1243
Age : 50
Localisation : Nemours
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2008

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  Gaius Mer 29 Avr - 10:25


C'est une blague?

Nombre de messages : 1795
Age : 49
Localisation : Angers
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2008

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  Thilia Mer 29 Avr - 10:55

Gaius a écrit:Déja?

C'est une blague?

Hélas non :

/2 monte raid ulduar 25, need tank bi1 stuff é dé healeur, gen ki caunaisse linstence de praifairence. /w me

Nombre de messages : 982
Age : 44
Localisation : Besançon
Date d'inscription : 08/09/2008

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  adrena Mer 29 Avr - 11:36

blasée Mad


Nombre de messages : 705
Age : 43
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2008

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  Aerîs Mer 29 Avr - 14:38

pff c'est relou le nerf aussi rapide Evil or Very Mad

Nombre de messages : 965
Age : 34
Localisation : Rennes
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2009

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  izuko Mer 29 Avr - 19:00

comme dab quoi, le mode normal est fait pour les 90% de guilde qui on du mal et les mode hard pour les 10% qui prennent du plaisir en galérant... ça devient blasant dire que j'étais contant de voir les défit qu'apporte uldar...

Nombre de messages : 1962
Age : 36
Localisation : VILLEMEUX 28
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  Invité Mer 29 Avr - 20:29

Faut pas éxagerer non plus c pas passé en freekill ^^


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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  izuko Mer 29 Avr - 21:03

Toral a écrit:Faut pas éxagerer non plus c pas passé en freekill ^^
enfin pour le moment....

Nombre de messages : 1962
Age : 36
Localisation : VILLEMEUX 28
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  Thalia Jeu 30 Avr - 11:20

* Fixed an issue where Mimiron could randomly change targets while casting P3Wx2 Laser Barrage in phase 4. It is still possible for it to appear that he is turning quickly for an instant to shoot another direction, but this is just a visual bug that will be resolved in a future patch.
* The Auriaya encounter has received the following changes: the damage of Strength of the Pack has been increased, the duration of Terrifying Screech has been reduced, the damage of Sonic Screech has been reduced, and the damage from Seeping Feral Essence has been reduced.

Des modifs sont également encore en préparation pour : Ignis, Tranchécailles, XT-002, Conseil de fer, Kologarn, Auriaya.

Pour Mimiron, si ça avait été corrigé mardi il y passait...

Nombre de messages : 2630
Age : 38
Localisation : Angers !
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2008

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Ulduar nerf Empty Re: Ulduar nerf

Message  Thalia Ven 1 Mai - 14:51

Et ça continue :

* Mimiron should no longer continue to cast Heat Wave after phase 2 is completed.
* The NPCs in the Hodir encounter will now cast Storm Power and Toasty Fire more quickly after being freed from Flash Freeze at the start of the encounter. Toasty Fire will also be cast more consistently throughout the fight.


* Heroic: He Feeds On Your Tears - Defeat Algalon the Observer without any raid member dying to Algalon at any point during that raid lockout period.
* Heroic: Observed - Defeat Algalon the Observer on Heroic Difficulty.

Ignis the Furnace Master

* Molten now deals 1885 to 2115 fire damage. (Down from 4713 to 5287 damage)
* Scorch (10) ground effect now causes 1885 to 2115 Fire damage every second to all enemies within 13 yards. (Down from 3770 to 4230 Fire damage)
* Scorch (25) ground effect now causes 3016 to 3384 Fire damage every second to all enemies within 13 yards. (Down from 6032 to 6768 Fire damage)
* Flame Jets now silences targets for 6 sec. (Down from 8 sec.)
* Slag Pot (10) now deals 4500 fire damage every second for 10 sec. (Down from 5000 damage)
* Slag Pot (25) now deals 6000 fire damage every second for 10 sec. (Down from 7500 damage)


* Devouring Flame now inflicts 7863 to 9137 Fire damage. (Down from 8788 to 10212 damage)

XT-002 Deconstructor

* Tympanic Tantrum now deals 10% damage every second for 8 sec. (Down from 12 sec.)
* Searing Light now deals 2250 damage to all enemies within 8 yards. (Down from 2750 damage within 10 yards)
* Gravity Bomb (10) now deals 11700 to 12300 damage to enemies within 12 yards. (Down from 17100 to 18900 damage and up from 10 yards)
* Gravity Bomb (25) now deals 14625 to 15735 damage to enemies within 12 yards. (Down from 19000 to 21000 damage and up from 10 yards)
* Heartbreak now increases damage by 40% and health by 150%. (Up from 35% damage and 45% health)

Iron Council

* Overload (Stormcaller Brundir) range has been reduced from 30 to 20 yards.
* Lightning Whirl (10) (Stormcaller Brundir) now deals 3770 to 4230 damage. (Down from 4713 to 5287 damage)
* Lightning Whirl (25) (Stormcaller Brundir) now deals 5655 to 6345 damage. (Down from 7069 to 7931 damage)
* Rune of Death (10) (Runemaster Molgeim) now deals 2750 Shadow damage every half-second. (Down from 3500 damage)
* Rune of Death (25) (Runemaster Molgeim) now deals 3500 Shadow damage every half-second. (Down from 5000 damage)


* Focused Eyebeam (10) now inflicts 2313 to 2687 nature damage. (Down from 2775 to 3225 damage)
* Focused Eyebeam (25) now inflicts 3238 to 3762 nature damage. (Down from 4163 to 4837 damage)
* Stone Grip Absorb (10) now absorbs 80,000 damage. (Down from 100,000)
* Stone Grip Absorb (25) now absorbs 380,000 damage. (Down from 480,000)
* Stone Grip (10) now deals 2925 to 3075 physical damage. (Down from 3700 to 4300 damage)
* Stone Grip (25) now deals 3413 to 3587 physical damage. (Down from 5363 to 5637 damage)
* Rumble now inflicts 3238 to 3862 Physical damage to targets within 7 yards. (Down from 4625 to 5375 damage to targets within 10 yards)
* Stone Nova now inflicts 5550 to 6450 physical damage. (Down from 7400 to 8600 damage)


* Strength of the Pack now increases damage done by 30%. (Down from 50%)
* Terrifying Screech now causes enemies to flee in horror for 3 sec. (Down from 5 sec.)
* Sonic Screech (10) now deals 60125 to 69875 Physical damage. (Down from 74000 to 86000 damage)
* Sonic Screech (25) now deals 190000 to 210000 Physical damage. (Down from 231250 to 268750 damage)


* Petrified Bark (Elder Stonebark) charges have been reduced from 80 to 60 in 10-Man, from 220 to 120 in 25-Man.
* Stonebark's Essence (Elder Stonebark) now increases physical damage dealt by Freya by 75%. (Up from 50%)
* Brightleaf's Essence (Elder Brightleaf) now increases Magic damage dealt by Freya and her Allies of Nature by 60%. (Up from 50%)
* Iron Roots now deals 7800 to 8200 Nature damage every 2 sec. (Up from 5850 to 6150 damage)
* Tidal Wave (Ancient Water Spirit) now deals 10175 to 11825 Nature damage. (Up from 7863 to 9137)
* Pollinate now heals the Guardian Lasher for 15%. (Down from 25%)
* Bind Life (10) (Misguided Nymph) now heals for 9250 to 10750 health every second. (Down from 13875 to 16125 health)
* Bind Life (25) (Misguided Nymph) now heals for 13875 to 16125 health every second. (Down from 27750 to 32250 health)


* Proximity Mines now deals 15000 Fire damage. (Down from 25000 damage)
* Emergency Mode (Hard Mode) now increases damage and health by 30%. (Up from 25%)

General Vezax

* Shadow Crash now reduces mana costs to spellcasters by 70%. (Old - reduced mana costs for everyone, possibly a wording change to clarify that it only affects mana and not rage/energy/etc..)
* Profound Darkness now inflicts 750 damage to all enemies, and increases Shadow damage taken by 10% per application. (Up from 500 damage)


* Cosmic Smash (10) now deals 41438 to 43562 Fire damage. (Up from 35613 to 41387 damage)
* Cosmic Smash (25) now deals 53625 to 56375 Fire damage. (Up from 46250 to 53750 damage)
* Black Hole Explosion now deals 16088 to 16912 Shadow damage. (Up from 14725 to 16275 damage)
* Quantum Strike now deals 34125 to 35875 Physical damage. (Up from 23750 to 26250 damage)

Nombre de messages : 2630
Age : 38
Localisation : Angers !
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2008

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